Category Archives: Little Sparks Preschool

Things children come out with………..


Noticing the chalk boards, he called everyone over to sit by them. ‘Come on’, and directed them to sit or got them a chair.

He proceeded to write on the board ‘What letters this?’ ‘What letter is this?’ He was attempting to write letters.

Over the week I noticed him collecting a diary and pencil and then getting a small group of children together to sit with him and he calls and fills in his ‘register’.

When I was filling in the register at the table he came and sat opposite me. He put his diary down and proceeded to call out the children’s individual names and waited for a response from them.



Harley was building a great tower as part of his bear enclosure (playing with zoo animal’s). Three cubed towers of differing heights.

Out of the blue, Harley asked’ what would a spider do to you if it bit you? I replied spiders here usually don’t bite. He then went on to ask ‘What superpower would you have?’ I explained to him it was pretend like spiderman.

Harley was very thoughtful. ‘You can die if a spider bites you’. We discussed that it’s unlikely here.

He then asked if a spider bites will you die? I said that we don’t have those sort of spiders, and they could be found in really hot countries but even then a bite might be painful but you wouldn’t die.

I said Australia might be a place you could find these big spiders and he said ‘Ive been there on my holiday’. But he hadn’t ………….




We are excited to soon be using the online learning journey known as Tapestry. We hope it will be something we can work on together by adding photo’s and comments about what the children have been doing here and at home. It will also help us along with you to support your children’s learning and provide some play idea’s to try out.

Children learn through playing and having fun. By using Tapestry you can follow your child’s individual progress and achievements.

Watch this space………….

Welcome to Little Sparks Preschool


 Little Sparks Preschool is a charitable organisation. We welcome the close involvement of parents and carers and run by a voluntary committee of parents. We are registered with OFSTED to provide early years education for 24 children aged 3 and 4 years old and 16 children aged 2 years old.


The aims of the preschool are to:

  • advance the education of children below compulsory school age in Norwich
  • Provide a safe place for children to play together and socialise
  • For children to experience new activities and have a go
  • Support the children’s growing independence in a safe, nurturing and learning environment. 

What we do

 We provide a learning environment that is exciting and stimulating, indoors and out.

We allocate every child a ‘key person’. The key person will work closely with your child and you to support your child during their time at Little Sparks.

We ensure all the children have equal access to a diverse and rich curriculum.

We follow each child’s interests and extend their play and learning.

How we are managed

 Little Sparks is a registered charity with a committee of parents, carers and representatives of the local community who manage the group.

Committee meetings are held each term and all parents and carers of children who attend the Little Sparks are eligible to join the committee. The committee is elected annually at an Annual General Meeting held in the autumn.

All committee members require DBS checks.

Our committee officers are:

Chairperson    Louise Curtis

Secretary         Tara Macfarlane

Treasurer     Bonnie Carpenter

Charity Registration Number : 1079011

Ofsted Setting number : EY487785