WOW where has this year gone!
Good luck to all our children leaving for Primary Schools, we have enjoyed having you here
Ofsted report is in and we are very excited to report:
• Effectiveness of the leadership and management – Good
• Quality of teaching, learning and assessment – Good
• Personal development, behaviour and welfare – Outstanding
• Outcomes for children – Good
It has been a real pleasure to be part of your children’s lives and their learning.
We have enjoyed so much
• Music
• Maths fun
• Bug hunts
• Science investigations
• Being pirates & discovering treasure
• Learnt how to cross the road & be safe
• Be nice to one another
• Take care of our world, it is the only one we have
2 year children in over the holiday except weeks beginning 31/7/17 and 7/8/17
3&4 year room not back until Wednesday 6th September 2017
Holidays – Your funding entitlements unfortunately do not cover you when your child is away on holiday during term time, fees will have to be paid to cover absences [£12 per session plus £2 if staying over lunch time]
Tell your friends about us, we have spaces for September 2017 – in both rooms.
Lastly we hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday and be safe in the sun!
Make a memory box of things collected while away like postcards if you visit the coast, bus tickets if you take a bus or a leaflet from a place you are exploring and bring them in after the holiday to share and talk about.