Little Sparks Preschool is a charitable organisation. We welcome the close involvement of parents and carers and run by a voluntary committee of parents. We are registered with OFSTED to provide early years education for 24 children aged 3 and 4 years old and 16 children aged 2 years old.
The aims of the preschool are to:
- advance the education of children below compulsory school age in Norwich
- Provide a safe place for children to play together and socialise
- For children to experience new activities and have a go
- Support the children’s growing independence in a safe, nurturing and learning environment.
What we do
We provide a learning environment that is exciting and stimulating, indoors and out.
We allocate every child a ‘key person’. The key person will work closely with your child and you to support your child during their time at Little Sparks.
We ensure all the children have equal access to a diverse and rich curriculum.
We follow each child’s interests and extend their play and learning.
How we are managed
Little Sparks is a registered charity with a committee of parents, carers and representatives of the local community who manage the group.
Committee meetings are held each term and all parents and carers of children who attend the Little Sparks are eligible to join the committee. The committee is elected annually at an Annual General Meeting held in the autumn.
All committee members require DBS checks.
Our committee officers are:
Chairperson Louise Curtis
Secretary Tara Macfarlane
Treasurer Bonnie Carpenter
Charity Registration Number : 1079011
Ofsted Setting number : EY487785