How we operate

How we operate

We follow the National Curriculum Early Years Foundation Stage.

Through observing your child, encouraging play and having fun we seek to extend and build your child’s knowledge and understanding. The Areas of Learning and Development consist of 3 Prime areas which are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language. There are 4 Specific Areas which are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Upon the wall display, we have a copy of ‘what to expect, when?’ for you to look at.

We value parental contribution and recognise the value that families play in the education of their child.

Parents are welcome to help at the preschool. If you help out at a session it enables you to take part, ask questions and see your child’s progress at preschool and gain a full understanding of the activities your child takes part in.

We provide an environment in which all children are supported to reach their full potential. We follow the Department of Education and Skills Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014/15.  We work in partnership with parents and a range of agencies.

Noticeboards in Corridor

In the corridor we have a Welcome Parents board. Please use the Post It notes to tell us what your child likes doing to assist our planning.

Settling in

Some children do not settle in quite as easily as others and may need a parent or carer to stay with them for a while to start with. Please feel free to do this and in time your child will be happy to stay on their own, we will review this as we need to take into account covid restrictions.

Key person

Each member of staff acts as a Key person with special responsibility for a small number of children, ensuring that the particular needs of every child is recognised through close observation and monitoring of progress. Your Key person will liaise closely with you, to provide individual care and attention for your child.


We support children to develop reading skills by encouraging them to choose books to take home to share with you. Please keep books in bag provided. Once you have read them to your children put them away again.

Home Visits

To introduce ourselves to you and your child we like to make a home visit prior to your child starting at the preschool. Two staff members who work at the Preschool will come to your home to introduce ourselves to your child. This also provides you with an opportunity to tell us about your child ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have. Home visits usually last around half an hour.

Tapestry Learning Journey

At Little Sparks all children have an online Learning Journey using the Tapestry app. This Learning Journey will keep a record of your child’s achievements during his/her time with us at Little Sparks. Parents/carers are welcome to log in and have a look at what their child has been doing. We also encourage parents to add any photos, other items or comments to it so that there is a fuller picture of your child from when they start until when they leave. You will be able to have a copy to take home when they move on to school (we do usually transfer the Tapestry journal information with the primary school).